
How to Impress a Girl

Everyone can name someone who's nice, pretty, smart, funny, etc. Want to impress that certain girl? Here's what to do and what not to do.


  1. Be yourself.
  2. Introduce yourself.
  3. Don't do this while she's talking to someone or looks like she's in a hurry. This will probably annoy the girl, and lessen your chances of impressing her. Strike up a conversation first. After a few exchanged smiliuohpoes, give her your name. Please don't try any pickup lines on her unless they are specifically to make her laugh! After you have been talking for a few minutes, tell her you'll see her later or something like that and walk away. Don't be taking up too much of her time. About 5 paces (steps), turn around and smile or wave. If she's still watching (or even better, smiles or shyly laughs) she's at least a little bit interested!
  4. Do not play hard to get. After a while, the girl will get annoyed, maybe even angry. Or if she likes a guy who's like that, her friends might not like you because you're acting like a jerk (this happens way too much). If she plays hard to get, refuse to jump through hoops and walk away.
  5. Make a good impression with her friends. Also, if you go so far as to meet her parents, you DEFINITELY want to make a good impression with them!
  6. Be careful what you say. Some girls might find a perverted sense of humor funny and enjoyable while others might be completely disgusted. Some girls are offended when people cuss and swear so keep that to a minimum if you do any of the above. Some girls think it actually does make a guy look tough when they cuss and talk about beating up other guys. So it all depends on the girl you're trying to impress. But until you really get to know her, keep everything "politically correct".
  7. Impress her... with your shoes! This sounds a little strange, but some girls are very attracted to guys who wear shoes that go along with the girl's stereotype (like, punk, prep, or whatever). Find out who some of her exboyfriends or really good guy friends are and see what the majority of them are. If most are skaters, try wearing Vans, DC, Element, etc. Preps=Nike, New Balance, etc. This is not GUARANTEED to work, but it helps with first impressions!
  8. Do not complain about how girls never like you or how you were dumped, etc. This is not flattering on your part and puts the girl in an awkward situation. She probably won't feel bad for you, but rather be turned off!
  9. If you know a song she likes, sing or hum a few bars around her. She might think of you whenever she hears that song. And she'll probably be impressed by your good taste in music. Some girls have actually dumped guys or stopped liking guys when they insulted the music they like. So, it's OK not to like her music, but don't be insulting her favorite singer/band!
  10. Start an inside joke with her! She will feel included and become closer to you. It also gives you an easy-to-come-up-with conversation starter.


  • If you have braces, glasses and acne, don't be disheartened! Make it work! Don't let those "faults" make you lose confidence in yourself. Confidence is very sexy.
  • Have good posture! This is not just a stupid cliche I'm writing to take up space!! If the girl sees you from behind and you're standing up pretty straight, with just a SLIGHT slouch, she will automatically assume you are good looking. If you're hunched over with your arms folded across your chest and you are walking with your feet slightly in-ward, it doesn't matter how hot you really are, because girls won't take a second glance at you. Posture is important!
  • Don't act too tough to smile! Ever since we're babies, we love being smiled at. It's human nature. It doesn't make a difference if you're a baby or a hot girl. Everyone loves a sincere smile.
  • Sadly, social status does matter to some people. But if it matters so much that she won't even give you the time of day because she thinks she's better than you, she isn't worth your time.
  • Don't follow her around everywhere! It automatically gives you a rep as a stalker!
  • If she just doesn't get that you like her (which most likely won't happen because girls are pretty good at detecting this kind of stuff!), say something like "So-and-so likes so-and-so!! Know how I can tell? He/she's always staring at her/him!" if you stare at her a lot. Hopefully she will get the hint that if someone else likes someone because they're staring at the said person.
  • Don't play games! Don't do any of that; wait a few days to call her or show up a little late to things. Those just show that you are a fake and a loser. Likewise, don't tolerate it if she does any of these things.


  • Try to win her over, but do not try too hard!
  • Every girl is different! Find out if she likes tattoos before you show her the skull and crossbones tattoo on your chest!
  • Never rush her
  • Dont show attitude
  • Don't talk about her stomach or weight or ask her or anything related to this subject.

Things You'll Need

  • Confidence. That's it!
  • Oh, and a girl that you like, that helps too.
  • Good attitude