
How to Look Good to a Girl

While there's no sure-fire way to guarantee that you'll have girls' heads turning when you walk down the street, there are plenty of things you can do to increase your chances...


  1. Be healthy. A good complexion and healthy glow shows the opposite sex that you take care of yourself. Eat 5 or more portions of fruits and vegetables a day and drink plenty of water (8 glasses). Drinking orange or other fruit juices are good ways to achieve both goals.
  2. Stay fit. Lift weights for at least 20 minutes a day. This only works for girls who like buff, athletic guys. If you're more the brainy type, just keeping relatively fit (no flab) is enough. Also, regardless of your body type, "six-pack" abs seem to be universally considered good looking. Work on that as a priority by mixing aerobic exercise with crunches.
  3. Be well-groomed:
    • Shave regularly unless you like the scrubby look.
    • Shaving only below the jawline not only makes a beard look neat and groomed, it makes stubble look masculine rather than ungroomed.
    • Trim your fingernails and toenails.
    • Take care of your teeth. Brush, floss, and use mouthwash daily. See your dentist on a regular basis. Don't let your teeth get stained (with coffee and cigarettes, especially) and use whitening treatment if you still need help.
    • Shower every day. Girls might notice that you dont shower alot and its a big turn off to them.
    • If you have oily skin, be sure to rinse your face at least once a day to prevent a greasy shine and acne.
    • Use a deodorant with little scent or get a "matched" product that goes with a specific product line. Unscented soaps and lightly scented shampoos won't clash with colognes. Use an anti-perspirant if you sweat excessively. Also trimming (not shaving) body hair may help control body odor.
    • Spraying cologne into the air and walking through the cloud is a waste. Apply two sprays to the chest, one on either wrist, followed by pressing them together (rubbing breaks down the oils,) and one to the back of the neck just below the hairline to create "spillage," a very light scent trail that lasts for five to ten seconds after you walk through an area.
  4. Take mints with you. Avoid bad breath foods like garlic and onions. (Note: some girls don't like minty breath so also look into non-minty alternatives like orange or cinnamon Tic-Tacs.)
  5. Ask others for feedback. Be aware that you may get conflicting feedback, especially with things such as clothing styles, hairstyles, and colognes. Work their opinions into your style, but ultimately, choose what makes you feel the most confident.
  6. Be very aware of your posture: good posture will give you a confident aura. It can also make you look taller.
  7. Dressing right can be very important to girls, but you don't have to go spending hundreds of dollars on the latest and greatest styles. A nice shirt and a clean pair of jeans is more than enough. Try a polo shirt, and some cool some what baggy, worn-looking jeans. Just be sure it's comfortable for you or else she'll pick up on your discomfort and think it's her.
  8. Get a good amount of sleep! Looking tired and bleary eyed all the time is very unattractive, and tends to detract from the rest of your appearance as well. Not to mention, no one likes a cranky guy.
  9. Learn to dance. If you show girls you know how to move, they're likely to be impressed with your skills and think you know how to do lots of other things. Even if you're not a great dancer, she'll be impressed with your confidence and lack of embarrassment.
  10. Be confident about yourself! Confidence and other moods show through in your body language, and if you can't make the to effort and learn to love yourself, why should she?
  11. Smile, especially if you have nice teeth. A positive attitude is a definite turn on, and most girls love a good grin.
  12. Comfort her if she's having a bad day or simply needs a hug. If she cries in front of you it means that she trusts you with her feelings. Never tell her what she's worrying about is "stupid," though you should point it out gently if she's wrong.
  13. A girl will be won over by subtle compliments, but be careful here. Only give compliments that you actually believe. She can usually tell if you're just making up lies to sweet talk her.


  • Looking good to a girl is more about good hygiene than anything else. If you think about that, it just makes sense. If a man doesn't take proper care of himself, how can he be expected to take care of her, or anything/anyone else?
  • Looks aren't everything. Find a girl who likes you for who you are, not your clothes, white teeth, and six-pack abs.
  • Show some class. Don't swear every other word, and don't make crude gestures.
  • Read the news, keep up on the latest books, so you can converse intelligently. While clothes may make the man, an interesting and caring man will get the girl. Be sensitive, but not too sensitive.
  • For crying out loud, have fun. You'll be at your most attractive point when you're enjoying yourself and her company. Take her somewhere that makes you feel comfortable and even energetic. You don't have to wow her your first time hanging out with a fancy restaurant; for some of us, cheap Chinese food and a walk through the park bring out the best.
  • Get to know her friends; they'll help do some of the tough work for you by letting her know how cool you are, but don't get too close to them. She might think you only wanted her to get one of her freinds.
  • Moving forward with a girl is a lot like rock-climbing, yes, rock-climbing. Take your time and make sure that both of you are comfortable with each other, and the state of your relationship before taking the next step.
  • It's usually not a good idea to ask a girl out on a date when she's only just getting to know you. Go out with groups of friends, so she can see you in a comfortable, relaxed setting. If she starts showing an interest (e.g. talking to you more than the other people there, pulling you away from the group, appearing really interested in what you say, laughing at your jokes, etc.) then it's time to ask her out. Now that you've got her attention, you've just got to be yourself!


  • Some girls are just not interested in you no matter what you do or say, so do not get discouraged, just move on.
  • Don't go overboard on the cologne. No matter how good it smells, too much of anything is bad. There are also many essential oils that are quite masculine, these can normally be used straight, dabbed below and behind ears. Remember, girls like guys to be natural, so less is more here.
  • Some girls are allergic to scents and colognes will turn them off.
  • Never be loud and obnoxious unless the situation calls for it.
  • Never insult her unless you're flirting.
  • Always make sure she's comfortable with the conversation you're in, and comfortable around you, never make her feel scared to talk to you, make her feel like she can trust you and tell you anything, or else, you're toast.
  • Never compete with a guy-friend for a girl, it's a tricky situation and usually ends in bitterness and could end up in you losing a very good friend...
  • Do not, and I mean DO NOT, go after your best friends sister, unless you really like her. Then by all means pursue the secretive romantic relationship. It could work out like in Harry Potter, even if you're not a wizard.